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ZennoScript Blog


+ ZennoPoster now includes a newly added capability to import/export projects for working in Visual Studio. This capability replaced CodeCreator.
+ ZennoPoster is also added with the capability to substitute mic and cam input from a file in order to output video and audio to sites.
+ ZennoPoster log now offers an opportunity to get an action ID and go to an action in ProjectMaker from the right-click menu.

 Fixed an error that prevented saving Language to the profile.
 Fixed an error that modified emulation settings of the browser profile in the course of profile updating.
 Fixed an error that caused ProjectMaker hangup at the time of opening the project.

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+ A new "Update" action has been added to ProjectMaker for the "Profile Operations" action - to update old profiles to the latest, up-to-date version of the browser. In this case, there is an update of the user agent and an update of all the necessary profile parameters.
+ A new profile folder format has been added to ProjectMaker, which is faster and better than the old profile file format.
+ A new "Working with Cookies" action has been added to ProjectMaker with the ability to import, export, and clear cookies.
+ A new "Checking for text" action has been added to ProjectMaker, similar to the "Create a check for selected text" function. Th e"Create a check for selected text" function also became a single tile.

 Fixed timezone and locale emulation bug on Chrome engine.
 Fixed bug of writing to Google table if first sheet (gid=0) is deleted.
 Optimized speed of execution of browserless projects.
 Fixed bug where debug did not work in ProjectMaker after several passes through the generic code.


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+ If ZennoPoster suddenly crashes, soft will be restarted and will resume the running projects.
+ Added the Speech Voice option in profile setting. Web Speech API allows users to interact with voice interfaces to recognize and synthesize a speech. Speech Voices has a number of voice presets, which are used to generate speech from text.
+ Added a feature to automatically detect and add Device Pixel Ratio provided the Screen Maximize checkbox was selected in profile settings. Device Pixel Ratio can be set with C# method instance.DevicePixelRatio as well.

 The Bad End - Good End logic was brought back: if one of the Ends has been reached the other will not be until the project is “Launched from the beginning”. Moreover, a new “Go to Bad/Good End in repeated debugging” was added to the Debug tab.
 Fixed the IF block compatibility for certain conditions.
 Fixed a bug that caused the “Image” action to not force-enable images after disabling them in the project settings in ProjectMaker.
 Fixed a bug that caused FullEmulationMouseWheel to not work in the Firefox engine, when the cursor was outside the visible area.


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+ Updated the code editor component. This increases stability, reduces the number of small issues and improves usability.
+ Added a “Cookie” tab in the Profile window in ProjectMaker that allows viewing, filtering, editing, and deleting entries.
+ Added the option to sort variables by manually rearranging variables in ProjectMaker or clicking “up” and “down” buttons. To enable this function turn off sorting in columns (Click the “clear sorting” button).

 Fixed a bug in JS code execution (Intl.NumberFormat) that caused errors on certain sites such as nike.com, Airbnb.com.
 Fixed a bug that caused instances to crash when logging into YandexMail, mobile version of VK, and Tinder.
 Fixed a bug that caused gmtx.net and mail.com to not work correctly.
 Updated the SSL Fingerprint generation for profiles. Check it at ja3er.com and browserleaks.com/ssl


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+ The version of the Chrome browser has been updated to 84.
+ The C# compiler now supports up to version 7.3 of C#.
+ HTTP requests have been put in a separate process, which should result in a more stable performance of ZennoPoster.
+ The Chrome scroll bar in the browser settings of ProjectMaker has been separated into Chrome based - for generating browsers based on Chrome, and Chrome - for generating just Chrome browsers.

 The cause of the CPU memory leak when executing projects in multithread mode has been eliminated in ZennoPoster.
 Instance freezing when there are problems with tab creation has been fixed.
 The camera and microphone emulation in mobile profiles was fixed.
• The Antialiasing WebGL emulation was fixed.


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+ Улучшение эмуляции работы chrome extensions.
+ Если версия ZennoPoster ниже требуемой версии запускаемого проекта, то, вместо ошибки "Проект не содержит входных настроек", теперь будет выдаваться ошибка: "Для работы данного проекта требуется версия ZennoPoster не ниже XX.XX. Пожалуйста, обновитесь."
+ Добавлено автоматическое восстановление входных настроек, если файл входных настроек был поврежден.

 Устранена проблема пропадания строк "Положить ID задания" и "Положить в переменную" в ProjectMaker в экшене распознавания ReCaptcha.
 Устранена проблема отсутствия или неверного указания ориентации экрана у мобильных профилей.
 Поправлена эмуляция микрофона и камеры для мобильных профилей.


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+ The profile generation system has been fully re-implemented. Many problems regarding the fact that profiles were often being generated with incorrect parameters were eliminated.
+ The instance viewing system in ZennoPoster has been fully re-implemented. The "Show instances" button has been removed. Every project now has an «Instances» tab that displays images of all working threads in the project in real time and the status of execution: Preparation, Running, Waiting for action from user, Error, Done. Double-click on a specific instance to view it, press the red cross button to hide it. The "Show instances" window has also been re-implemented. Windows that are in «Waiting for action from user» mode can now be properly minimized to tray and maximized back from it unlike the previous instance windows.

 Fixed the ProjectMaker editor, when an empty space would appear inside of a group of actions.
 Improved performance in Google Sheets when adding a large number of records to it.
 Fixed data sorting in Google Sheets.


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+ Полностью обновлена система генерации профилей. Устранено множество моментов, когда профиль мог генерироваться с некорректными параметрами.
+ Теперь можно прервать долгое выполнение действия "Запуск программы", запущенный процесс будет при этом закрыт
+ Выключена и удалена настройка "Проверять соответсвтие введенных данных".
+ Теперь в логе пишется название плагина и его ID при возникновении ошибок.


 Исправлено ручное сохранение профиля (Профиль -> Сохранить). Теперь сохраняются все настройки профиля.
 Все кубики работы с каптчами теперь посылают корректный Content-Type.
 Поправлено исчезание переменных при редактировании действия "Проект в проекте".
 Добавлена подсказка, что для применения опции "Использовать GPU" нужна перезагрузка программы.


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[+] Improved brief view of the Accept Mail action. Now you can edit all the action’s main settings in the brief view. Also, if the system finds more than one message, it uses a newer one instead of returning an error popup.
[+] If there is no server connection, ZennoPoster will not add up attempts to the actions.
[+] The Cookie field is now hidden if you enable Use CookieContainer in HTTP request actions.

[*] Fixed AudioContext emulation in Firefox.
[*] Improved Chrome emulation, including logging in to Google services.
[*] Now, while waiting for user actions, navigation through the address bar works in Chrome.


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[+] Meet project localization! You can translate your projects, including notes, action texts, and messages in the log. To use localization, click Create Translation in the File menu.
[+] New Swipe Event action. Now you can make a simple swipe in any direction or to an element—all using the brand new action dubbed “Swipe Into New” in the action editor.
[+] Added a new class MouseEmulationParameters, which describes the parameters of full emulation, and a method overloading Tab.FullEmulationMouseSetOptions, which accepts this class. Beside the older parameters, the class now has a couple new ones—MinScrollSpeed, MaxScrollSpeed, which adjust the scroll speed.

[*] Fixed automatic updating.
[*] Fixed history in the Project Editor (hotfix
[*] Fixed emulation of touch events on some websites that recognized touch clicks as regular clicks. Added the action Browser Settings → Touch Screen (analog to C#’s Instance.ForceTouch). To ensure proper touch event emulation, enable the touch screen setting.


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