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Odnoklassniki Advanced Profile Editor Zennoposter Template

Odnoklassniki Advanced Profile Editor Zennoposter Template
  • Profile Editor
  • SMM
  • Odnoklassniki.ru

Odnoklassniki advance profile editor


This template will execute certain action with Ok.ru profile selected from input settings, totally randomly without any pattern. Nearly every action has an option to be executed or not.

Actions template preform with profile:

1. Changes password for a profile to new.

2. Chooses random profile theme.

3. Modifies “privacy settings” in “allow” section to ones you’ve selected (allow all, only friends, nobody).

4. Sets new profile link offered by the system – which is based on first and last name  (this change is only allowed once).

5. Uploads photos from specified folders to personal section, with an option to add description for uploaded photo. One of the uploaded pics template will set as the main image – avatar. It’s possible to delete or not images after upload. Photo Description supports Spintax

6. Uploads photos to albums naming them after folders they have been taken from. It’s possible to add photos description for uploading photos and delete them or not after upload. Photo Description supports Spintax

7. Post Note in Notes section and set note as status or not. Supports Spintax.

8. Posts message in “Forum” section. Text supports Spintax.

9. Joins random games. It’s possible to set number of games to join.

10. Adds audio to ok.ru/music. It’s possible to set number of audios to add.

11. Joins random or specified groups. Emulates human person random behavior like random pauses. Scrolls, likes, order of actions when joining. It’s possible to set number of groups to join.

12. Changes profile personal data to specified: like First, Last name, age, sex, current city and birth one.

13. Randomly fills school, university and work data.

14. Fills up with specified data interest section. This data support Spintax.


Execution Order:

Execution Count: -1

Max Number of Threads: Unlimited


Input Data:

file with list of account for editing

Keep this format:  login:pass

Lines are taken one by one with removal


Описание к личным фото.txt

Personal photos descriptions file. Spintax is available.

Filled line by line, random line without removal is taken.


Описание к фотоальбомам.txt

Photo albums descriptions file. Spintax is available.

Filled line by line, random line without removal is taken.



Notes descriptions file. Spintax is available.

Filled line by line, random line with removal is taken.


Город проживания.txt

Cities to use as current location. In case this file is empty and in input settings option to set current city is on, random Russian city will be picked.

Filled line by line, random line with removal is taken.


Город рождения.txt

Cities to use as was born location. In case this file is empty and in input settings option to set was born city is on, random Russian city will be picked.

Filled line by line, random line with removal is taken.


Постинг в форум.txt

Messages for forum section descriptions file. Spintax is available.

Filled line by line, random line with removal is taken.


Группы для вступления.txt

Fill with links to groups to join. In case you need to join random groups just leave file empty.

Filled line by line, random line with removal is taken.


First and last names folder:

Has 4 file. Женские имена.txt, Женские фамилии.txt, Мужские имена.txt, Мужские фамилии.txt.

Should be filled with first, last names to change profile data to.

Random line without removal is taken.

Depending on sex selection from input settings proper file will be used.


Увлечения folder:

Has 15 text files. Each named after specific section on ok.ru “about” profile section. Supports Spintax.

Filled line by line, random line is taken and to delete it or not is an option to choose from input settings.

ATTENTION! Even is all files are filled with data, template still will only pick and fill up some of them a random number in “about” section.  Meaning any field can be skipped or ignored.


Фото folder:

All folders with photos should be inside this folder for upload as personal images. Random folder is selected and all images inside are uploaded. To delete images or not is specified from input settings.


Фотоальбомы folder:

All folders with photos should be inside this folder for upload to albums. Random folder is selected and all images inside are uploaded. To delete images or not is specified from input settings.


Output Data:

profile Good.txt

Created by template file for edited profiles.

Saves data as login:password


profile with proxy.txt

Created by template file with profiles and proxies they are connected with .

To disconnect profiles, clean up this file or delete it.



This file has last critical error appeared during template execution.

Make sure to add its content when you reach our tech support.


Input settings Zennoposter Template:


Tab *Главное*:

1. Project Directory.

2. Proxy file path (in case proxy will be used from proxy checker, or won't be used at all leave blank).

3. Connect proxies with profile.

4. Captcha solving module selection.


Tab *Настройки профиля*:

1. Change passwords for profile.

2.Set random profile theme or not.

3.Publicity for profile. (only responsible for *allow* section).

4. Set profile custom link or not (it’s possible to do this once per profile).


Tab *Фото*:

1. Upload photo to personal.

2. Add description to photo.

3. Delete image after upload or not.

4. Upload images to album.

5. Add description to albums or not.

6. Delete images from photo album folder after upload or not.


Tab *Заметки и форум*:

1. Post note or not.

2. Set note as status.

3. Post to forum or not


Tab *Игры, музыка, группы*:

1. Join random games.

2. Set number of games to join range.

3.Add audio record.

4. Set number of audio records to add range.

5.Join groups or not.

6. Set number of groups to join range.



Tab *Личные данные*:

1. Change first, last name, sex, age or not.

2. Set Sex

3. Set age range.

4. Change current city to specified one. (data is taken from the list unless it’s empty).

5. Change birth city to specified one. (data is taken from the list unless it’s empty).

6. Add random school, university, work or not

7. Selection to edit “interests” section or not

8. Delete data from interest folder after use or not

ATTENTION! All text files have to be in UTF-8 encoding or it simply won’t work.

Template supports works with profiles with 3 languages: Russian, English, Ukrainian.

In case something went wrong profile data will be saved back to profile.txt

Buying a template you get a MONTH of FREE tech support.

Take in attention if you buying a subscription based template, you only have rights to use it during subscription period.

All templates required latest Zennoposter or Zennobox to run. We don't gurantee their execution on any others.

Stability and success of work of a template depends on proxy quality that using during his work

Template is bound with you ZennoPoster license. You cannot edit or resell it.

Any Template can be modified to your needs, modification cost will be highly depend on the complexity of desired changes.

Please use order form on Order Template page.

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