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ZennoPoster (06.03.2015)

[+] The item “Clear consecutive fails” has been added to bat file settings, as well as related method ZennoPoster.ClearFails to C# code action.
[+] The option to copy OwnCodeUsings from one project to another has been added.
[+] Text field in settings of Table processing action when adding rows and cells has been changed to multiline.

Bug fixes
[*] The issue of getting lines from table and insterting them into list has been fixed.
[*] Problems loading russian domains in browser have been solved.
[*] The bug of POST multipart/data request operation when posting empty file has been fixed.
[*] The bug of processing e-mails when loading them into ZP and deleting from mailbox has been fixed.
[*] Scheduler performance has been improved.
[*] The bug of saving lists and tables with irregular separator has been fixed.
[*] The bug of captcha recognition window freezing has been fixed and alert informing about brocken captcha, when it was not loaded, has been added displaying the picture “Bad captcha”.