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Profile data parser Twitter.com Zennoposter Template

Profile data parser Twitter.com Zennoposter Template
  • Profile Data Parser
  • Twitter.com

Profile data parser Twitter.com Zennoposter Template


This template is for collecting personal profile data for the Twitter.com site, and then filtering according to the conditions from the template input settings.


  • The template works on Get requests without using a browser.
  • There is no need for authorization on the site.
  • Parsing of such profile data:
    - Link to profile,
    - The name,
    - Nick,
    - Brief description of the profile,
    - Location,
    - Site,
    - Date of registration,
    - Number of tweets,
    - Number of subscriptions,
    - Number of subscribers,
    - Date of last activity.
  • Filtering profiles. The template can check all (or selectively) the data parameters for the presence / absence of information in the corresponding lists or for the presence / absence of data as a whole. Thus, it is possible to filter the profiles according to the established requirements.

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All templates required latest Zennoposter or Zennobox to run. We don't gurantee their execution on any others.

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Template is bound with you ZennoPoster license. You cannot edit or resell it.

Any Template can be modified to your needs, modification cost will be highly depend on the complexity of desired changes.

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